Moshi Monsters Codes and Hints Blog
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Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
The Daily Growl's not-so-helpful Hints and Tips Page...
The Daily Growl have put up a very unhelpful Hints and Tips page... unless helpful means they tell you what to buy in the stores around Moshi Monsters. ALBUMZACK is not one of the codes they put in there! They don't actually have any codes as far as I can tell. Maybe it's about contests and stuff, but if you want some REAL tips, come to this blog!
Keyboard Art to WOW on the forums!
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I did this post because I got about 300 emails saying that people needed some keyboard art in the forums because they had nothing new! Go to to find more keyboard art which you might like!
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Hey Everyone! News...
Hi! As you can see, I haven't posted in about a year or something... so embarrassed!
Actually, I'm now back at school, and blogging is hard with all my stuff I need to do. Sorry!
I haven't been on Moshi Monsters in about 5 months, because I've been doing websites like SmallWorlds, Minecraft, and Roblox.
This is going to be one long post, updating everything on my blog!!!
Best Moshi TV videos (as in views) up to now-
1. The Iggy Chomp
2. Diggin' Ya Lingo- Official Video
3. Season 2 Mission 8 Trailer
4. The Missy Kix Dance Music Video
5. Season 2 Mission 7 trailer
Moshi Monsters are promoting their products heavily, which is partly why I'm not on the site anymore.
I walk into a Walgreens and I see Moshi figurines all over the place! I mean... seriously...
If I have any codes for anything now, I'll just post them up here and first one to find 'em gets 'em! Sorry but I don't have any use for the codes.
Some more Moshi Monsters codes-
Sorry if those codes are out of date, because my friend emailed them to me a month back.
I have posted some of these before, note that.
So that's all the codes!!!
My friends lilyla2000, lilylt2000, and sophiesa2000 gave me the codes.
So I hope this helps you. Have fun!
Actually, I'm now back at school, and blogging is hard with all my stuff I need to do. Sorry!
I haven't been on Moshi Monsters in about 5 months, because I've been doing websites like SmallWorlds, Minecraft, and Roblox.
This is going to be one long post, updating everything on my blog!!!
Best Moshi TV videos (as in views) up to now-
1. The Iggy Chomp
2. Diggin' Ya Lingo- Official Video
3. Season 2 Mission 8 Trailer
4. The Missy Kix Dance Music Video
5. Season 2 Mission 7 trailer
Moshi Monsters are promoting their products heavily, which is partly why I'm not on the site anymore.
I walk into a Walgreens and I see Moshi figurines all over the place! I mean... seriously...
If I have any codes for anything now, I'll just post them up here and first one to find 'em gets 'em! Sorry but I don't have any use for the codes.
Some more Moshi Monsters codes-
500 Rox | GOBLIN |
500 Rox | ROXSTOMP |
300 Rox | GET300QUICKLY |
300 Rox | MMMYSTERY212 |
300 Rox | MOOSE |
300 Rox | YOURWORLD03 |
250 Rox | GLAMROX8 |
200 Rox | RADISH |
200 Rox | FAIRYCAKE |
200 Rox | SORRY200ROX |
200 Rox | GULFROX |
200 Rox | PIRATEROX8 |
200 Rox | PIRATEROX9 |
200 Rox | PIRATEROX |
100 Rox | 50MILLION |
100 Rox | 3YELLOWPHONE |
100 Rox | FLINGPRIZE |
100 Rox | 15BLOBERTCANDY |
100 Rox | APINK20 |
100 Rox | 13ROSEVET |
100 Rox | SECRETROX |
100 Rox | 9TAMESUN |
100 Rox | 1PISABACON |
100 Rox | ASLOPPOT |
Twistmas Bauble | BAUBLE41 |
Twistmas Scare Bear | TEDDY23 |
Twistmas Lights | LIGHTS30 |
Twistmas Candycane | CANE15 |
Twistmas Wallpaper | PAPER18 |
Snow Machine | MACHINE40 |
Twistmas Floor | FLOOR11 |
Twistmas Door | DOOR42 |
Twistmas Window | WINDOW44 |
Twistmas Lamp | DEER9 |
Twistmas Stocking | STOCKING12 |
Twistmas Tree 2012 | TREE47 |
Twistmas Kandy Kanes | TWISTYTIME |
Twistmas Banner | TWISTMASTIME |
Twistmas Snowball | ICY33 |
Bangers and Mash | MASH4 |
Bangers and Mash | IGGYCHOMPZ |
Barfmallows | BARF8 |
Green | CUBE8 |
Mice Crispies | MICE9 |
Mystery Cauldron | MYST3RY |
Pop Rox | POPRX |
Slug Slurp Slushie | SLURP3 |
Spider Lolly | SPDER |
Swirlberry Muffin | SWIRL6 |
Toad Soda | TOADYSODA |
Theme Park Candyfloss | OGG3VP9D |
Theme Park Donuts | WNU4PGVU |
Theme Park Fudge | SPTIV7H9 |
Theme Park Giant Pretzel | DIMBDF48 |
Theme Park Shishi Gingerbread | 41D5H5LL |
Theme Park Shy Coconut | 1GU4ER58 |
Bongo Colada | SIPITALLUP |
Chocolate coated broccoli | CHOCBROC |
Essence of Blue | SANDY2 |
Eye Pye | 3Y3PY |
HOBBIDIDANCE | The code will give you the RADIANT ROXY SEEDS. Just combine them with ANY other two seeds and Roxy will be attracted to your garden once they turn into flowers! |
Blobert | MOSHIMOSHI11 |
Cheeky Gargoyle | RASPBERRY |
Confetti Rocket | PROFPURPLEX6 |
Cuddly Pirate | SWASHBUCKLER33 |
Cuddly Shelby | TURTL3 |
Fossil | DAILYGROWL74 |
Fun Flowers | FANGTASTIC |
Goblet of Goosebump Gultch | R7CKAFNJDPGU |
Hamsterball | MOSHLINGZOO1 |
Harmony Harp | PLUCKY4 |
Jack O’ Lantern | LANTRN |
Karat Shiny Parrot | N8AD6679T7CY |
Little Miss Mellow Yellow | BUCKISBACK |
Moshi Mug | SLURP1 |
Moshi Music Headphones | LEMONPIE |
Musical Beanie Blob | DROOL33 |
Mustacio Glump-o-lantern | FREAKYFRIGHT |
Pile O’Rox | ROXPILE9 |
R2 Trashcan | GINGERSNAP11 |
Rainbow Maker | GOOGENHIME22 |
Rubber Duck | QUACKYDUCK |
Scary Gargoyle | ROARSOME1 |
Shakesfear Bust | BARDBRAIN |
Shimmering Snaggletooth Sapphire | X4D8U834E3XF |
Snowy Furi | TYRA2222 |
Super Moshi Fan Medal | BAFTAVOTER911 |
Switchy Tyre Swing | NAY76767 |
Telegroan Booth | RINGRING |
Theme Park Balloon Animals | X1PI9MZH |
Theme Park Bouncy Castle | 87TEHSFV |
Theme Park Ferris Wheel | ZNIYZAVY |
Theme Park Fishie in a Bag | O2PTX7OX |
Theme Park Helterskelter | T2Y6X7FU |
Theme Park Icepresso | A9YE9YEU |
Theme Park Katsuma Bumpercar | A9YEC3NJ |
Theme Park Merry-Glump-Round | O1KF1PWR |
Theme Park Rodeo Machine | 0ARNHOA5 |
Turbo Top | BIGBADBILL31 |
I have posted some of these before, note that.
Cuddly Big Bad Bill | MOSHI310 |
Cuddly IGGY | MUNCH |
Cuddly Kissy | FIZZING |
Cuddly Peppy | BLEURGH |
Cuddly Tiki | ZIPPSTERS |
Zack Binsping Gold Disk | ALBUMZACK |
Squishy Stool | MONSTERS |
Purple Chair | 2PURPLEARMS |
Giant Zoo Door | 77XDOOR12 |
Dragon Wall Art | FIREY |
Dragon Wall Art | FIERY |
Animated Disco Floor | PUZZLEPALACE |
Daily Challenge Puzzle Floor | TESLA |
Lavaflow Floor | SLUDGESTREET |
Popstar Wallpaper | SPARKLE5 |
Glumpcake Wallpaper | ADVENTURE |
Zoshling Portrait Splutnick | KAZOO |
Zoshling Portrait Ooze | AUTOTUNE |
Zoshling Portrait Squirk | SPOONS |
Zoshling Portrait Fingz | WIGGLESTALK |
Ultimate Collectors Poster | EPHEMERAL |
The Port Poster | WIBBLE |
The Fizzbang Poster x2 | DISCO |
The Fizzbangs Poster | DEMONSTA |
Strangeglove Wanted Poster | VOLCANO |
Strangelove Roary Poster | SQUIDDLY |
Strangeglove Frame Poster | HUSKY |
Snuffy Poster | HOOKUMS |
Sludge Street Poster | STICKER |
Secret Stowaway Poster (x2) | STOWAWAY |
Secret Stowaway Poster | EMBEROOZE |
Penguin Music Stars Poster | TEASPOONS |
Penguin CLONC Poster | NAUGHTY |
One World Liberty Poster | ONEWORLD |
Moshi Twistmas Poster | BARFMALLOWS |
Monstro City Map | MONSTROCITY1 |
Lady with Urghmin Painting | GOOGENHEIM |
IGGY Champ Poster | RANCH |
Eye Moshi Monsters Poster | DJQUACK2 |
Fans Picture | WALLART |
Christmas Gold Disk | ALBUMTUNE |
Dustin Beaver Poster | GIFTISLAND23 |
Captain Buck Poster | BARNACLE |
So that's all the codes!!!
My friends lilyla2000, lilylt2000, and sophiesa2000 gave me the codes.
So I hope this helps you. Have fun!
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